Weimaraners are a truly versatile breed that is keenly intelligent, although challenging to train at times! The following is a list of just some of the activities that can be enjoyed by Weimaraner owners:
For each breed the AKC registers, there is a breed standard , which is a description of the perfect dog. Standards describe the mental and physical characteristics that allow each breed to perform the function for which they originated. The standard describes the dog's looks, movement, and temperament. Breeders attempt to produce a dog that most closely conforms to the breed standard. AKC approved judges evaluate dogs based on the breed standard and choose winners, who accumulate points towards an AKC Championship. Dogs who earn enough points to be recognized as a champion have the initials "CH" added to their AKC registered names. Click here <link to breed standard page> to view the breed standard.
Field Performance Events
Field Trials
Field trials are competitions designed to assess a dog's hunting abilities. Generally, two dogs at a time, a "brace", are released on hunting property with the intent of finding upland game birds, usually quail or chukkar. Judges on horseback rate each dog on hunting skills and training. T he popularity of competing in AKC trials has increased with more than 30,000 dogs competing annually. Winning dogs accumulate points toward the designation of being a Field Champion, which is denoted by the initials "FC" added to the dog's registered name.
Hunt Tests
Hunt tests also are an assessment of a dog's hunting, bird finding, and pointing skills, and were designed to evaluate the abilities of our dogs by testing them against a standard. Dogs are tested at various levels and when the requirements of a level are met, the dog is awarded a "leg" towards a title. When enough "legs" are acquired, a title is earned. In the case of the sporting breeds such as Weimaraners, these titles in order of difficulty are the Junior Hunter (JH), Senior Hunter (SH), and the Master Hunter (MH).
WCA Ratings Tests
Ratings are another type of hunting assessment. The ratings are divided into two separate classifications: one covering pointing and upland bird field work, and the other covering retrieving. The two standards are completely independent from, and not related to each other. However, a dog showing outstanding ability by obtaining degrees in both classifications would be greatly desired. The ratings are used as a permanent record for purposes of breeding, advertising, etc., after confirmation from WCA and show the degree of training the dog has been able to achieve. Again the dogs earns the right to have initials added to the registered name, Novice Shooting Dog (NSD), Novice Retrieving Dog (NRD), Shooting Dog (SD), Retrieving Dog (RD), Shooting Dog Excellent (SDX), and Retrieving Dog Excellent (RDX).
Other Performance Events:
Obedience Trials test a dog's ability to perform a prescribed set of exercises on which it is scored. In each exercise, you must score more than 50 percent of the possible points and get a total score of at least 170 out of a possible 200. Each time a dog earns a 170 or higher qualifying score, a "leg" toward an obedience title is earned. Three legs are required to earn a title. There are 3 levels at which a dog can earn a title, which get progressively more difficult. Levels are divided into "A" and "B" classes at an obedience trial; "A" classes are for beginners whose dogs have never received a title, and "B" classes are for more experienced handlers.
Rally Obedience
Rally is an exciting performance sport in which dog and handler must complete a course of designated stations indicating a skill that must be performed. The skills are similar to that of obedience competitions and the course must be completed within a time limit. There are 10 to 20 stations depending on the difficulty level of the class entered. "Legs" are earned towards titles, starting with RN (Rally Novice), with the ability to graduate to more difficult levels and subsequent titles.
Dog agility is a competitive sport that tests a person's skills in training and handling their dog over a timed obstacle course and the dog's ability to complete the course with minimal errors. Competitors race against the clock as they direct their dogs to jump hurdles, scale ramps, burst through tunnels, traverse a see-saw, and weave through a line of poles. The course is configured to challenge the dog and handler's competitive and training skills. With scoring based on faults similar to equestrian show jumping, dog agility has become an exciting spectator event. Titles are obtained by earning "Legs" in a manner similar to Obedience. There are numerous titles including Novice Agility (NA), and Open Agility (OA), which get progressively more difficult as levels are completed.
Therapy Dogs
The primary objective of the Therapy dog and handler is to provide comfort and companionship by sharing the dog with the patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions and wherever else the Therapy Dog is needed. This is done in a way that increases emotional well being, promotes healing, and improves the quality of life for the people being visited and the staff caring for these people. Dogs can be accredited by different organizations including Therapy Dogs International.
Children Reading To Dogs
Studies have shown that children facing challenges with reading skills show marked improvement if they are able to read aloud to dogs. The comfort provided by reading to dogs, who are interested and non-judgmental allows children to make great strides in increased reading abilities. Dogs accredited by Therapy Dogs International or other organizations and their handlers go to local libraries and schools, where they are partnered with a child who reads aloud to them.
Above all, Weimaraners are loving and loyal companions. They require dedicated training, but are completely devoted to their families. Weimaraners love to sleep in beds and are not well suited to kennel living. They can be destructive if they feel neglected or left out and love to be included in all facets of family going's on! This breed prefers to go everywhere their humans go and love riding in cars. Weimaraners will follow owners from room-to-room, and would prefer to be in laps, which is cute when they are puppies, but a challenge when they reach full size.